Dear Members,
Re: Annual Chairman’s Report of the Health Defence League
It is with great pleasure that I present to you our annual report of activities for the Health Defence League for the last 10 Months.
- The HDL was formed in September 2021.
- The reason, and single focus, is to defend our freedom including medical freedom and our human and constitutional rights. Nothing more and nothing less.
- This is still our focus and continuous effort.
- Currently, our registered membership is at 570 members. Of these, about 50 have contributed financially.
- Over time, several members were co-opted into the steering committee and still contribute to the workings of the HDL. They were Mr Henk Mudge (WHK Public Work), Conrad Vermaak (Gobabis Office), Mr Johan Deysel (IT and Computer technologies), Mrs Ndahafa Amwele (Public Work), Mr Leon Smith (Past Chairman), Dr Martin Wucher (Current Chairman).
- Membership provided a continued influx of funds to run day to day operations.
- Over the last 10 months we managed to reduce our current monthly expenses from 13 000.- to 10 000.- per month.
- Current monthly expenses consists of remuneration and refunds to our legal coordinators, the office and accounting services.
- Current reserves on our current account are currently around N$ 160 000.-. For more details, please consult the Annual Financial Statements as provided by our accountants.
- All work by members of the steering committee, is done for free (pro bono). HDL only pays reimbursed if direct costs are involved.
- In September 2022 the HDL took government, minister of health, minister of education, the attorney general and several others to court.
- For anyone interested in the case, please log in to e-justice and look for CASE NO: HC-MD-CIV-MOT-GEN-2022/00389
- The basic principle was: “Show us your scientific evidence on which you based your decisions and show us the information that was used to enable victims of the vaccine drive to make an informed consent.”
- After several extensions and postponements judge Hosea Angula Ruled on the 26 June 2024 that the HDL and I, Dr Martin Wucher as well as the other applicants do not have the legal standing to take the government to court.
- His judgement was based on two technical points:
- The HDL has used the term “Steering Committee” on certain documents. Our constitution has the term “Executive Committee”.
- Our lawyers did not apply to the high court to upload additional affidavits.
- It seems clear that the government did not want this case to be heard in a court of law. The same strategy has been used in South Africa and in several cases in other countries.
- So, did we lose our case? No. Our case was never heard, and the government was never forced to give the answers we requested.
- The committee had the option to appeal the ruling. They discussed the options to continue the legal process.
- The legal process up to now has cost close to one point five million dollars. Some of that was for legal issues during the pandemic.
- According to our lawyers, costs at the end of this judgement are limited to N$ 20 000.- because the case was an “interlocutory proceeding”.
- The HDL had the option to appeal. However, our funding was exhausted, and the committee decided to terminate the legal process.
- Doing the same thing and not being sure of a better outcome would have been irresponsible.
- On the 24 October 2024 justice Hosea Angula was appointed to the Namibia Supreme court as an appeal judge by president Nangolo Mbumba.
- So, had the HDL gone to an appeal, the chances are that we would have been judged by the same judge that gave the ruling in our other legal proceedings.
- See:
- There are two reasons why things can go wrong in a country. The first is that someone takes over and proceeds with actions that harm the country. Second, that people sit and do not become involved.
- “It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do.” – Moliere
- Often, I have been asked: “What can I do to help?” The answer is simple. Support us with and commit some YOUR NAME and time to this cause.
- In this drive it is imperative that members keep on funding the HDL to the best of their ability.
- To date, the HDL remains the only group in Namibia that has had the courage to ask public questions and to oppose the abuse of constitutional rights of our citizens.
- I am certain that we will have to face another “pandemic” or “catastrophic event” where our government may do the same thing as last time.
- After nearly 4 years of lies and deceit by authorities worldwide, most of us in the HDL have learnt that our institutions are manned by people that seem to serve international entities and disregard the needs for local communities.
- The drive by international entities like the WHO and WEF to create a new world order under which “you will own nothing and be happy” is in full swing.
- The HDL and its legal team has watched the proposals for massive changes to the current laws, rules, and regulation as well as the legal environment that governs the WHO.
- Our own president has signed the “Pact for the Future” which when studied clearly, is designed to empower the WHO and UN to take over major functions within Namibia under certain conditions.
- A summary of it can be listened here:
- Our president has stated publicly that he did not sign anything that is “enforceable” in Namibia. He is however clearly willing and committed to cooperate with the WHO and powers who drive this technocratic takeover.
- This drive is part and parcel of Vision 2023, which focus, and design is clearly discussed in the video above.
- What this will mean for our freedom and Namibia’s independence over time is to be seen.
- We will continue to monitor the current developments and are ready to engage with relevant entities should this become necessary
- As time has passed and Namibia has entered a period of recovery to normality, most of us have tried to forget the trauma of recent years.
- In my practice however, I am reminded daily, of the inhumane and ineffective measures by international entities as well as our government.
- The emotional, economic, societal, political as well as health related effects of these so called “pandemic measures” will be with us for generations to come.
- What was sold to the world as “safe and effective” turned out to be the opposite. Never in the history of man, has the world been lied to and manipulated on a scale as experienced throughout the pandemic.
- To prevent this from happening again, I call on each and every one to join us in our efforts and to bring their efforts to bear.
- Our quality of life depends on three things:
- Your Health
- Your Country
- The people around you
- If any one of these is compromised like during the pandemic, your life will be in ruins.
- It is worth investing time, effort, and money to protect the above.
- Each of us must decide what is important for ourselves and for our loved ones. From that we need to move on and do what we can to retain our birth rights and constitutional freedoms.
- The last three years have taught us that there are many who have a lot to say. There are even fewer who are prepared to put their name and face to it and hardly anyone who is prepared to do something to improve their own situation.
- Looking at our membership and from there to the financial contributions, I can only plead, that each of us in Namibia chooses carefully, and becomes involved in person as well as financially.
- As from the Executive committee, we always do our best. We are not superhuman but want to make sure that when history is written, we were on the side of respect for others, constitutional justice, human rights, and personal freedoms.
- The fundamental principle is this: “Act or be acted upon”. (Stephen Covey)
Thank you for your support and commitment to your country.
Windhoek the 29th October 2024
Dr Martin Wucher
Chairman HDL
- Recruit a new member and inform them of our actions and goals. Please call +264 81 371 5531 during office hours and let Rosel Van Der Merwe Register them on our mailing list.
- Set up a monthly payment. Make it the most gracious amount that you are prepared to contribute to this effort. Think in the lines of N$ 100 – 500 per month. It will make a huge difference. Remember, it is not for us, it is for YOUR country, your children, and grandchildren.