Dear Members and HDL Followers,
I am excited to share some positive news. Please check out the summary below from Mr Harald Sedlacek, our Legal coordinator.
“The pandemic agreement will not be adopted at a special World Health Assembly (WHA) next month as countries still need “more time” to conclude the complex talks.
Co-chairs of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) Ambassador Anne-Claire Amprou and Precious Matsoso broke this news at a media briefing on Monday evening.
The INB is midway through its 12th meeting after 21 months of negotiations. While some member states and stakeholders have cautioned against sacrificing content for haste, the Africa Group in particular, was keen for an early adoption of the agreement.
The Africa Group saw this as a chance to get a good deal through the Pathogen Access and Benefit-sharing (PABS) system.
The “Stakeholders” (we know who they are) are less keen on sharing their Technology and derived Benefits.
The US (Obama’s classmate Pamela Hamamoto) also pushed for an adoption in December, in anticipation of a possible Trump victory (now a fact). The idea was to sign up to the Treaty in the remaining weeks of the Biden Administration.
Other bones of contention are “Equity”, where developing Nations feel they won’t get a “fair share”, and the Monitoring and Compliance clauses which would give the WHO the right to enforce compliance (thus interfering in the sovereignty of nations).
Articles 4, 11 & 12 remain problematic. That is good!
Negotiations will continue until the next scheduled WHA in May of 2025.”
In addition, here is a link for more detailed information.
Please just click the link above to view this excellent article.
Namibian Elections 2024
The HDL is nonpolitical and will stay like that. However, our present government was responsible for the implementation of the Covid measures promoted by the WHO and is therefore fully accountable for what happened in Namibia during that time!
Dr Martin Wucher provides a crumb trail to navigate the coming presidential and parliamentary elections in Namibia. What has happened over 34 years? Who can you trust? And who are the candidates or parties that Namibians can interact with? Here is a logical and focused roadmap for an ideal choice!
Vote with logic and try to manage your human emotional urge.
Have an amazing X-mas and let it rain in our beautiful country.
Kind regards and thank you for your continued support.
Dr Martin Wucher
Chairman HDL
- Recruit a new member and inform them of our actions and goals. Please call +264 81 371 5531 during office hours and let Rosel Van Der Merwe Register them on our mailing list.
- Set up a monthly payment. Make it the most gracious amount that you are prepared to contribute to this effort. Think in the lines of N$ 100 – 500 per month. It will make a huge difference. Remember, it is not for us, it is for YOUR country, your children, and grandchildren.